Twitter Poster Conference
JUNE 19 / 1-3 PM
The 50th Annual Ontario Psychology Undergraduate Thesis Conference is going virtual!
FRIDAY, JUNE 19th, 2020
1-3 PM (EDT)
All Ontario Psychology Undergraduate Thesis Students are invited to register and to share their thesis projects on Twitter during this event! Before the conference, all registrants will receive a list of the conference participants (along with the name of their poster and Twitter handle) so that you can make sure you don't miss anyone! And during the conference, be sure to tweet your poster (see tips below) with the hashtag #aoputc2020 to make yourself easy to find! Anyone who wishes to find the posters and communicate with the conference participants simply needs to search #aoputc2020 on twitter.
UPDATE: A complete list of our 70+ conference participants can be found here!
The inaugural AOPUTC Best (Twitter) Poster Award recognizes undergraduate student presentations characterized by excellence in research and clarity in communication. All eligible students who register for the conference by June 12th will have the option of being considered for the best poster award! During the conference, secret judges will view your poster and ask you questions about your research. Three award winners will be announced on this website and @aoputc. Winners will receive a $100 honorarium and have their posters prominently displayed on this website, showcasing their research to the AOPUTC community.
Best Poster Winners (click poster to view original tweet/enlarged image)
Siann Gault (University of Waterloo)
Poster Title: Children's Executive Functions and Communicative Competence During a Dyadic Drawing Task
Aadhiya Vasudeva (University of Toronto)
Poster Title: “I Took Charge”: Lived Experiences of Women following a Prophylactic Bilateral Salpingo-Oophorectomy (BSO)
Kelly Zhou (Wilfred Laurier University)
Poster Title: Influence of Gestational Exposure to Δ9-THC and Environmental Enrichment on Anxiety-Related Behaviour and Neuronal Morphology
Runners Up:
Toni-Rose Asunscion (McMaster University)
Nicole Ho (University of Waterloo)
Madeline Springle (University of Toronto)
Jasmine Zhang (McMaster University)
And a huge thanks to our Best Poster judges!
Elizabeth Attisano (University of Waterloo)
Zoe Francis (University of Toronto)
Emma Green (University of Waterloo)
Gordon Hodson (Brock University)
Bryan Hong (University of Toronto)
Madison Mailhiot (Queen's University)
Meghan McInnis (Queen's University)
Molly Metz (University of Toronto)
Rebekah Reuben (University of Toronto)
William Ryan (University of Toronto)
​AOPUTC 2020 Conference Organizer (& judge):
Ashley Waggoner Denton (University of Toronto)
FAQs /
What if I don't have a Twitter account?
You can easily sign-up for Twitter here.
If you don't have a Twitter account, you can still view all of the posters/conversations by searching #aoputc2020 on the Twitter website, but you won't be able to tweet your interact with anyone.
How do I format my poster for Twitter?
Excellent question! We've created a document here.
Posters may consist of either traditional academic posters (i.e., static images) or moving slideshows (GIFs) that work great for Twitter. It's YOUR research and we want you to be able to share it in whatever way works best for you! Please note that while moving posters (GIFs) will be considered for the best poster award (along with traditional poster images), tweets of videos or other types of visual displays will not be eligible.
Can I put this on my cv?
And please see section 10.15 of the APA Manual (7th Ed.), for more information on citing content from social media. An example of how you might cite a Twitter poster is below:
Last name, First initial [@twitterhandle]. (2020, June 19). Title of poster/content of tweet [image attached] [Tweet]. Twitter. Link to URL
I have other questions, who do I contact?
Send questions to aoputc2020@utoronto.ca or @aoputc on Twitter
We are more than happy to help!